UK Human Functional Genomics Initiative

At an exciting time of scientific discovery we are leveraging the UK’s strengths in gene discovery and functional genomics to improve our understanding of the mechanisms underpinning human disease.

Our UK wide-initiative, funded by the Medical Research Council (MRC), in collaboration with the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), and coordinated from the University of Exeter, is a network of some of the UK’s leading researchers, clinicians and industry partners, bringing together national expertise in functional genomics and data science.

A new Functional Genomics Screening Laboratory (FGSL) has been established at the Milner Therapeutics Institute in collaboration with AstraZeneca and the University of Cambridge. We are also establishing a Data Coordination Centre (DCC) based at the University of Exeter that will lead on data sharing and the development of novel tools for the analysis of functional genomic data.

About us

Coordinated from the University of Exeter, the initiative currently includes four research clusters with a focus on different scientific areas. The clusters, based in universities across the UK, are collaborations between academics, clinicians, industry partners and other universities.

Molecular Mechanisms cluster

Led by the University of Edinburgh, researchers will use human tissue, genetics and artificial intelligence to explain the molecular mechanisms of a broad range of diseases.

Protein Post-Translational Modification (PTM) cluster

Led by Imperial College London, researchers will define the functional consequence of genetic variants associated with rare diseases which alter the post-translational modification of proteins.

Musculoskeletal cluster

Led by the University of Oxford, researchers aim to use functional genomics to generate novel therapeutic targets for common musculoskeletal diseases.

Neurodevelopment cluster

Led by King’s College London, researchers will use brain organoid models to explore genetic variants associated with neurodevelopmental disorders.

This new initiative will facilitate innovation and collaboration among multidisciplinary teams, and accelerate the translation of functional genomic research into tangible benefits for health and well-being.
Professor Jonathan Mill, Director of the UK FGx Initiative, University of Exeter

Latest updates

Come and meet us

We will be at the Festival of Genomics and Biodata in London on the 29th and 30th January 2025. Also save the date for our 1st Annual Scientific Symposium to be held in Exeter on June 16th 2025.

Become Chief Data Officer for the DCC

We are currently recruiting a Chief Data Officer to provide high-level leadership and management of the DCC.

Read more and apply

A dedicated UK Functional Genomics Initiative website will be launching soon

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Get in touch

Contact the co-ordinating hub at the University of Exeter by email at [email protected]

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